Nursing Home
Wicker Smith understands the serious and critical impact that allegations of wrongdoing can have on those dedicated to caring for the elderly or disabled. We work with nursing home and assisted living clients to establish that applicable standards of care have been satisfied. We also provide preventative legal counsel in order to avoid future liability claims of negligence or misconduct, ensuring that a facility’s policies are compliant with the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA). Wicker Smith advises on a multitude of administrative duties, including effective nursing home operations, hiring and firing policies and procedures, training and maintaining sufficient staffing ratios. When litigation arises, we rigorously defend clients facing allegations involving:
- Injuries, including decubitus ulcers and falls
- Malnutrition
- Feeding tube problems
- Neglect or abuse
- Professional misconduct
- Failure to provide proper standard of care
- Sexual abuse